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to enhance
your products

The integration of IoT (Internet of Things)
and artificial intelligence technologies expands the potential
of the product and offers new market opportunities.

Tecnologie IoT

Local and remote connectivity

To meet the needs of our partners and enrich the offer with complementary services, the best solution is often to make use of IoT technologies.
These actually allow local and remote connectivity of your devices and services, making information and data available in the Cloud.
In developing these solutions, Xelet deals with: hardware design, system architecture, cloud, web applications, mobile apps.

Why use IoT technologies



Greater product

aumento della produttività


Riduzione dei costi di manutenzione

maintenance costs

Maggiore sicurezza



Maggiori indicazioni per i processi decisionali

More guidance
for decision making

Do you have total control to
manage your product yourself?

Having the necessary hardware and software technical documentation allows you to be independent from your supplier and produce, test and manage the product yourself.

Not having total control of the product can lead to dependence on the supplier and generate extremely difficult and risky situations for your company.

Our test lets you find out if you have all the necessary requirements and identify your margins for improvement.

Predictive Maintenance

Local and remote connectivity

Using the data and information that the devices have inside them, or that they can provide if equipped with appropriate sensors, it is possible to:

  • Analyse running patterns
  • Develop forecasting models, dedicated to maintenance and fault forecasting

Why use technologies for
predictive maintenance


Ridurre i tempi di inattività dei macchinari

Reduce machine

Aumentare la sicurezza del personale

Increase personnel

Aumentare l’efficienza  del sistema produttivo

Increase production
system efficiency

Ridurrei i costi  di manutenzione  del 25/30%

maintenance costs
by 25/30%

Aumentare la vita  degli impianti

plant life

Example of predictive maintenance in an industrial refrigeration system

Do you want a consultation or a quote?

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